I got cheated on, betrayed and still got blamed by friends.

I stumbled upon this group and it triggered a memory that I had tried so hard to forget. It is a tale that still haunts me to this day, a painful reminder of how quickly perceptions can shift and how betrayal can turn friends into enemies.
My story is simple. I was in a relationship for three years with a woman who, halfway through our time together, started taking birth control pills and anti-depressants. Our s*x life became nonexistent, and I, being a considerate partner, did not push her to engage in any s*xual activity that made her uncomfortable. However, when we had a disagreement and she accused me of not being forceful enough to initiate intimacy, I felt hurt and confused.
One day, my partner surprised me by changing her medication and stopping the pill, hoping to reignite our p@ssion. And it worked. In just three weeks, she became a different person, with a renewed vigor that was impossible to ignore. Unfortunately, I was busy with exams during that time and couldn’t meet her.
When we finally reunited, she confessed that she had cheated on me with two guys from her cl@ss because her hormones had taken over, and she couldn’t resist the temptation.
Devastated, I ended the relationship, unable to comprehend how someone I trusted and loved could betray me in such a cruel manner. But that was not the end of my ordeal. I recently learned that a group of our mutual friends, whom we had once shared memories and laughter with, have turned against me. They now believe that I am an insensitive and unsupportive partner who left my ex-girlfriend when she needed me the most. According to them, my ex was the victim, and I was the villain in the story.
This revelation has reopened old wounds, and I am left to ponder whether I am truly to blame for what happened. Did I fail to understand my ex’s mental struggles?
Or was I simply a victim of her deceit and betrayal? I do not know the answer, but I hope that by sharing my story, I can gain some perspective and perhaps find closure.