Woke Up To Head in Bed


So there’s this girl I met on a dating site some years ago I was in Lagos and she was schooling in Ogun state. We eventually exchanged numbers and bbm pins afterwards and got to know each other well enough then things began to get interesting…

It was almost two weeks and we still had not met although our chats were good and we spoke every night thanks to free night calls. Things took a s*xy turn when she started sending me pictures everyday and may I add that this girl is HOT. Soon, the steamy intimate exchange of messages and calls began and we would have phone s*x all night plus she would send me nudes, which built the anticipation to finally s*x this babe. Finally we set a plan for us to meet one public holiday so I travelled to meet her and I checked in at a hotel not too far from her school.


Evening had approached by the time she arrived so we went straight to the bed and o boy the knacks no be here o in fact the girl na fire 😊 We did it all night till she tapped out and she woke me up to continue by giving me a blow job (her skills are second to none, I mean the kind that would make you curl your feet and had your eyes rolling). When I was back in Lagos, I arranged for her to come on a weekend for 2nd leg and after that we started to s*x more regularly, even after she graduated and during her NYSC. However, she left the country for her masters and we’ve hardly kept in touch ever since. I miss her blow jobs.
