She was desperate for mE


Okay, I’m not a hoe usually but I do not feel guilty for being one this time.
So back then in secondary school (ss3) there was this girl, we were cl@ssmates though and seat partners. We usually got along well in cl@ss, shared the same textbooks and all. That’s how I noticed she started liking me oo.
Later, she told me she’s occupied already but she’s no longer interested and I obviously knew where she was headed but I didn’t want her to say it so it won’t be awkward sha. I stopped our love play in cl@ss because I don’t like the idea of stealing someone’s babe.
Second term began alright but it all started again when we went for practical cl@ss except that the teacher was writing, so, no practicals.
Meanwhile, I was always ahead so that I could be free. Then, she asked for my note and I gave her. She was like, I should hold it, I did. Then, she held my hand, I was now like, “???! Lol. what’s going on? sha it’s normal cl@ss romance”
Later on I got a girlfriend who happened to be her best friend. We did almost everything together.
Fast forward to a particular Friday and Fridays are always boring. I decided to have a convo with my seat partner (my gf’s best friend). As usual, we both left cl@ss, walked round the top floor then we got to a corner around the staircase, then, she was like, I should chill. Which I did. Didn’t know where she went to but, she came back fast sha then, started kissing me. I was now like, what the hell?! I meant it tho, then she did it the second time which I then followed up and stopped. She started talking about she liked me and she would have loved it if I were her boyfriend. Me that had already fallen for the kissing and the pressing was now like,
“I know right? You’re really nice.”
Then she said that just my voice turned her on. At that point, she grabbed me into the toilet and started with the kissing. Eventually, I started fingering her, that’s when she started with her moaning. O boy I wan run because the toilet is along the staircase which anybody could be p@ssing any minute and there was no where to run to. I closed her mouth then I sat on the wc still fingering her, caressing her boobs which was a part I’ve always wanted to touch.
She decided to give me head next, that one? I don’t know how to explain it cause I think I zoomed out to another planet alone. She was good af mehn. I just told her to stop, pulled down her pants with her skirt then fucked her raw.
I just wanted to feel her so well, she’s someone I can say is close to being perfect in everything. Then I decided to use condom. I fucked her real good cause that’s my number one game. She was still moaning even though I was kissing her so she could shut the hell up. She then said we should try @n@l. I asked her, “are you fucking sure?” She said she’d not tried it once, not even with her boyfriend! I was just like, ok. Because, I also wanted it. We did that for a minute sha because it was like she was in between life and death, so we stopped that and she gave me head again which made me want to cum. I asked her, she was like, I should cum in her mouth and I was like, “nice. What else?”
When we finished, we both cleaned up and I just laughed, she did too. We came out of the toilet and noticed school was over, we just kept talking till we got down stairs and met her boyfriend. Who knows if he noticed, but I said, fuck it! its not as if he would get it from my own babe.
