I let my co-worker stick it in my butt


There isn’t much of a story for this one. I’m 27 and my co-worker is 18. We worked at ShopRite, and a few of us would smoke weed behind the store on breaks and after our shifts. One night it was just me and Charles hanging out getting high. It was cold, so we were standing close together, and he reached out one hand to grab my butt. I am fairly thick so there’s a lot to grab. I didn’t stop him, just kind of looked at him and said “oh, really?”

He said that his parents weren’t home that we should go to his place which made me cringe a little because it reminded me that he lived with his parents, but I went anyway. We hooked up, and while we were fucking he asked me if he could go in the back door, as it were. I was high and the wh0le experience was kind of surreal so I figured why not and let him do it. He took off the condom before entering my @ss. It wasn’t my first @n@l, but he had a pretty thick d#ck so it was intense.

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He didn’t go easy on me, either. Once he was all the way in he picked up speed right away and was hitting me deep and fast until he came inside my butt.

After that night, we started smoking weed together more often, still behind ShopRite. We hooked up a few more times after that, usually with @n@l, before the age gap got too weird for me and I broke it off. The last time we smoked together, I told him it had to stop. He just nodded, looking a bit sad, but he understood. We kept working together, but things were never the same.
